DigitalOcean Abuse Verify Your Account

Thank you for contacting DigitalOcean Support!

We reviewed the information you have shared with us so far and we have come to the conclusion that your deployment and actions were in violation of our Terms of Service Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy and as a result, we are unable to remove the lock from your account.

I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.

Additionally, please note that we're unable to share details regarding what factors we considered that led to this decision or how we came to this conclusion as this is critical to maintaining the integrity of our platform security operations.

CentOS 7 EOL 即将到期

CentOS Linux 7 将于 2024 年 6 月 30 日终止其生命周期(EOL)。
CentOS 8 将于 2021 年12 月31 日终止其生命周期(EOL)。
CentOS Stream 8 将于 2024 年 5 月 31 日终止其生命周期(EOL)。
运行 CentOS Linux 的企业必须迁移到新的操作系统(OS),才能继续获得更新、安全补丁和新功能。

CentOS Stream 9 将于 2027 年 5 月 31 日终止其生命周期(EOL)。